Tag: relax

Grateful for Fellowship

This past weekend, and throughout the remainder of this week, my husband and I are enjoying the company and fellowship of a good friend of ours who is visiting. Sometimes it’s nice to just relax and enjoy the moment with those who are dear to us (we might have...

Pumpkin Pie and Kitty Snuggles

I heard recently that “Happiness is reality minus expectations.”[1] That quote had me pondering over how many happy “now” moments are missed because we are consumed with our expectations of a future “now.” For me, being present in the “now” can be challenging since I’m a planner and like...

Bite-sized Changes

In an effort to reduce the weekly, shall I say daily, chaos and stress of meal planning and preparing, I recently decided to try something new. I bought a cookbook recommended by a friend that approaches meal planning from a slightly different angle. Cook Once, Eat All Week[1] simplifies...