Tag: opportunity

Top Five Thankful List

When life has its challenges and things don’t go as planned, it can be easy to start complaining about everything that didn’t go our way. However, a simple exercise to help shift our attitude is to list the things we’re thankful for. So, here’s my top five thankful list...

It Takes More Time

See a problem, dream a project. In my mind, the path from Mess A to New Study Order B was a straight-forward weekend chore. Up roll the sleeves, out come planning paper and pens. And then? Well, then the weekend burned away as the dream met reality. Ever started...

Election Day

This year seems to have seen more than its fair share of chaos: natural disasters, a pandemic, economic shutdowns, civil unrest—just to name a few. But despite all of that, I am grateful that I live in a country where I have the freedom to vote. When I cast...