Tag: expectations

Embracing Imperfection

My baby brother tuned eighteen this past Sunday, which definitely makes me feel old, considering I’m fifteen years his senior (however, according to our ninety-one-year-old friend, old is when you take your adult son to collect social security). Since it was my brother’s golden birthday, I wanted to make...

Top Five Thankful List

When life has its challenges and things don’t go as planned, it can be easy to start complaining about everything that didn’t go our way. However, a simple exercise to help shift our attitude is to list the things we’re thankful for. So, here’s my top five thankful list...

Pumpkin Pie and Kitty Snuggles

I heard recently that “Happiness is reality minus expectations.”[1] That quote had me pondering over how many happy “now” moments are missed because we are consumed with our expectations of a future “now.” For me, being present in the “now” can be challenging since I’m a planner and like...

Quelling the Chaos

I internalize things, a lot of things: stress, frustrations, worries, perceptions of people or events that occur. I’ll over think a situation, trying to figure out every little detail, oftentimes before the event or potential circumstance even occurs. While a certain amount of planning and forethought is necessary, too...

Releasing Expectations

Have you ever made a plan, only to have it all go seemingly awry? That was me this past Tuesday. I got off work a little earlier than usual and had plans to put the finishing touches on last week’s blog post, make dinner, and get to bed at...

Choosing Rest

Relax.  Kick your feet up.  Take a break already.  Harder than it looks, at least for me.  I’ve had to work at resting.  Ever sat down to laze away on your day off, only to notice all the things around you that need to be done?  It seems that...