It Takes a Spark
A little over a week ago, my car started acting up again. The vehicle would shudder, sluggish to shift into the next gear, almost as if it wasn’t getting enough power. The engine light would flicker on, then off again. The last time something similar had happened, we replaced the coil packs and everything worked great.
We ran diagnostics on my car. Nothing. Evidently, the flashing engine light had not stayed on long enough to register into the car’s computer memory. That was, until this past Saturday, when my husband used my car to drive out to his parents to help them pack for their upcoming move. The engine light stayed on this time.
My husband was able to quickly figure out the problem, as the issue had finally registered in the computer memory—my car was in need of a new spark plug. A quick trip to the auto part store and ten dollars later, it was fixed. Since I was at home resting all weekend in an attempt to get over a cold, I was super grateful that my husband had used my car and was able to get it fixed before I had to go back to work Monday morning.
I had no vehicle issues when driving to work yesterday. After a long day, and still feeling rather miserable from having a cold, I went to start my car to drive home.
Tik. Tik. Tik.
Yup, you guessed it. My car wouldn’t start. I had a gut feeling it might be the battery this time around, since the one in the car was fairly old. Thankfully, we only live a few minutes from my work, so my husband lovingly came to help me. We jumped my car and I made it home safely. However, I’m pretty sure the battery is just about toast as the car wouldn’t start again once we got home and tried to turn it on again to test it.
As frustrating as it is to have vehicle issues, I am extremely grateful that my husband was there to help diagnose and fix the problems. I’m grateful I only live a few minutes from work, which made last night much less of a hassle to get home.
It also got me thinking. What are the areas in our lives that sometimes we just need a new spark to get things going again? A new idea that can ignite one’s imagination or creativity perhaps? Are there areas that sometimes need more than just a spark? When our “batteries of life” feel dead, how do we refill them? Some of the ways I’ve found to help reignite the spark, and refill the battery, are: focusing on what I’m grateful for, doing new and fun things that build memories with my husband and our families, resting so my body has the energy it needs to care for others, and reading challenging, new information that stretches my brain and helps me grow.
It takes a spark … and sometimes, a battery charge.
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