Month: December 2020

God with Me

Crunch. The impact slammed me forward and my seat belt jerked me back. That did NOT just happen, I thought, my mind surprised and incredulous. It didn’t take long for it to become a believer. I had definitely been rear-ended on the interstate, on a Friday night, no less....

Work in Progress

Have you ever struggled with something? Lately, I’ve been struggling with the need for control. I want everything to be just so: my house spotless, my health in a better place, and relationships with others to be free of conflict. But the reality is that life is messy. Dishes...

Pumpkin Pie and Kitty Snuggles

I heard recently that “Happiness is reality minus expectations.”[1] That quote had me pondering over how many happy “now” moments are missed because we are consumed with our expectations of a future “now.” For me, being present in the “now” can be challenging since I’m a planner and like...