My Top 5 Gratitude List
Life can feel stressful. Responsibilities can seem overwhelming. The “to-do” list somehow never quite makes it into being the “completely done” list. When we choose to place our focus on the things that didn’t go right, or the tasks that didn’t get completed, or something we messed up on,...
It Takes a Spark
A little over a week ago, my car started acting up again. The vehicle would shudder, sluggish to shift into the next gear, almost as if it wasn’t getting enough power. The engine light would flicker on, then off again. The last time something similar had happened, we replaced...
The weeks dragged on since I had heard anything from either of my lawyers regarding my case. Finally, on August 26th, 2020, I reached out to my personal injury attorney. No word back yet from Worker’s Comp, she informed me. She advised me that she would reach out yet...
Bite-sized Changes
In an effort to reduce the weekly, shall I say daily, chaos and stress of meal planning and preparing, I recently decided to try something new. I bought a cookbook recommended by a friend that approaches meal planning from a slightly different angle. Cook Once, Eat All Week[1] simplifies...